Raven's Path Wiki

Buildings can be used to gather resources and modify unit's and items.

Buildings can be built once you have acquired the building blueprint from the salvage shop. After you have the blue print you can build that type of building as many times as you want, but it will cost you salvage each time.

There are 5 types of buildings, and each building has 5 rarity versions, common, uncommon, rare, mythic and legendary. This makes for a total of 25 blueprints to collect.



The Blacksmith can be used to forget two items together resulting in a stronger item.

Rarity______ Build Cost Percent Of stat transferred Use Cost Cool Down Kills
1 Common 150 salvage 20% 10 gold 100 kills
2 Uncommon 250


30% 15 gold 90 kills
3 Rare 600 salvage 40% 20 gold 80 kills
4 Mythic 1000 salvage 55% 30 gold 70 kills
5 Legendary 2000 salvage 75% 50 gold 50 kills



The barracks is used to teach a percentage of a chosen stat from one unit to another.

Rarity______ Build Cost Percent Of stat transferred Use Cost Cool Down Kills
1 Common 150 salvage 20% 10 gold 100 kills
2 Uncommon 250


30% 15 gold 90 kills
3 Rare 600 salvage 40% 20 gold 80 kills
4 Mythic 1000 salvage 55% 30 gold 70 kills
5 Legendary 2000 salvage 75% 50 gold 50 kills

Town Hall


The town hall gives out bounties on certain units. Once you have killed the amount of units the town hall requires you can collect the bounties reward which yields gold.

The goal of town hall bounties is always to kill a certain type of unit class. The reward varies based on the unit class.

Infantry: + 0 gold

Ranged: + 5 gold

Enchanters: + 15 gold

Healers: + 15 gold

Special + 15 gold

Rarity______ Build Cost Bounty Reward kills Needed
1 Common 150 salvage 10 + type 10
2 Uncommon 250


20 gold + type 12
3 Rare 600 salvage 40 gold + type 15
4 Mythic 1000 salvage 70 gold + type 20
5 Legendary 2000 salvage 100 gold + type 25



The Refinery passively gives you salvage for every unit you retire. The refinery does stack with other refineries you build, and there is no limit to this stack other than the 12 building limit.

Rarity______ Build Cost Salvage Per Unit
1 Common 100 salvage 4 salvage
2 Uncommon 250


8 salvage
3 Rare 500 salvage 12 salvage
4 Mythic 1000 salvage 15 salvage
5 Legendary 1500 salvage 20 salvage

Day Care


The day care give the unit placed inside it Xp every time 5 enemies are killed in any battle.

Rarity______ Build Cost Xp Per 5 Kills
1 Common 150 salvage 2 Xp
2 Uncommon 250


4 Xp
3 Rare 600 salvage 8 Xp
4 Mythic 1000 salvage 15 Xp
5 Legendary 2000 salvage 20 Xp