Raven's Path Wiki

There are 41 unit types in Raven's Path listed below. 40 Of these types are playable.


Unit's receive xp when they deal the final blow to an enemy. After they get a certain amount of xp they will rank up. Unit's do not become more powerful when they rank up. Instead rank determines how many crowns you will get from that unit when it is retired. The max Rank for a unit is 5. After a unit is max rank every time it would have ranked up you will get 1 crown of its class type.

Unit Types[]

Name Rarity______ Class Ability MaxHealth Attack_ Defense AtkSpeed Accuracy_ Critical Chance Critical Damage
Healer Front Walk
Ancient Healer 3 Rare Healer Dual Vitalization 180-240 10-30 0 0.5 atk/s 70%-80% 10% 10
Archer 30x30
Archer 1 Common Ranged Aimed Shot 100-140 20-30 0 0.2-0.33 atk/s 50%-75% 10% 10
Axeman 30x30
Axe Man 2 Uncommon Infantry Cleave 150-200 60-80 10 0.33 atk/s 70%-85% 10% 10-20
Ballista Front Walk
Ballista 2 Uncommon Ranged Aimed Shot 140-160 80-100 10 0.12-0.16 atk/s 40%-60% 10% 10-30
Banshee Front Walk 1
Banshee 3 Rare Ranged Dread Shot 90-140 10-30 0 0.25-0.5


75%-90% 10% 10-30
Ram 1
Battering Ram 3 Rare Special Slam &

Spiked Frame

190-270 40-80 10 0.33 atk/s








Bishop 30x30
Bishop 2 Uncommon Enchanter Protection 140-180 10-30 0 0.5 atk/s 60%-80% 10% 10-30
Cardinal Front Walk 1
Cardinal 3 Rare Enchanter Inspire 200-250 20 0 0.5 atk/s 70%-80% 10% 20
Clergyman 30x30
Clergy Man 1 Common Healer Tri-Heal 130-180 10-30 0 0.5 atk/s 70%-80% 10% 10
Conscript front Walk
Conscript 1 Common Infantry Quick Study 100-150 15 0 0.5 atk/s 60%-85% 10% 25-40
Dragon 5 Legendary Special Dragon Fire 160-260 60-80 25 0.5 atk/s 60%-80% 10% 10-30
Druid Front Death
Druid 2 Uncommon Healer Rejuvenate 180-210 10-30 0 0.5 atk/s 70%-80% 10% 10
Drummer Boy 30x30


1 Common Enchanter War Song 110-150 6-15 0 0.5 atk/s 70%-80% 10%-25 10
Earl Front Walk
Earl 2 Uncommon Enchanter Schmooze 140-230 30-50 0 0.5 atk/s 70%-80% 10% 10-30
Martyr Front Walk
Edmund The Martyr 5 Legendary Special Martyr 410-510 0


0 0.5 atk/s








Front Walk Edward the black Prince
Edward the Black Prince 4 Mythic Enchanter Skillful Protection 200-250 70-80 0 0.25 atk/s 60%-75% 10% 10-30
Farmer 30x30
Farmer 1 Common Infantry ________ 100-150 10 0 0.5 atk/s 40%-60% 10% 10
Footman 30x30
Footman 1 Common Infrantry Blocking 160-190 20-30 5 0.4 atk/s 50%-75% 10% 10
Fryer 30x30
Friar 2 Uncommon Enchanter Courage 130-180 10-30 0 0.5 atk/s 70%-90% 10% 20
Kelpie Front Walk 1
Kelpie 4 Mythic Infantry Infinite Blood 230-270 30-50 0 0.5 atk/s 60%-70% 10% 10-30
King Arthur Front Walk 1
King Arthur 5 Legendary Infantry Blinding Light 200-280 60-80 10 0.25 atk/s 60%-80% 10% 30-40
King Alfred Front Walk
King Alfred 4 Mythic Enchanter Fortune 160-210 10-30 0 0.5 atk/s 80%-90% 10% 20-40
Knight 3 Rare Infantry ________ 160-210 35-60 10 0.5 atk/s 60%-75% 10% 10
Knights Templar Front Walk
Knights Templar 4 Mythic Infantry Ultimate Shielding 200-250 20-40 10 0.66 atk/s 60%-70% 10% 10
Lancelot Front Walk
Lancelot 3 Rare Special Spear Volley 180-210 30-40 0 0.5 atk/s 65%-85% 15%-30% 30-40
Lob 5 Legendary Special Demon Portal 200-250 40-50 0 0.5 atk/s 70%-80% 10% 10-30
Longbowman 3 Rare Ranged Obsession 110-160 10 0 0.33-0.5 atk/s 80% 10%-25% 10-30
Lugh 5 Legendary Special Lightning Spear 190-220 60-70 0 0.5 atk/s 65%-85% 10% 10-30
Mangonel 30x30
Onager 2 Uncommon Ranged Quad Shot 120-150 30-40 0 0.16-0.25 atk/s 60%-80% 10% 10
Merlin 5 Legendary Healer Ether Warp 190-240 10-30 0 1 atk/s 40%-80% 20% 10-30
Pig N/A N/A _________ 50-70 10 0 1 atk/s 30-60% 10% 10
Plague Bearer Front Walk
Plague Bearer 5 Legendary Special Plague 250-300 30 0 0.5 atk/s 65%-85% 10%-30% 10-30
Richard the Lion Heart 1
Richard The Lion Heart 4 Mythic Infantry Iron Rampage 250-300 60-80 0 0.33 atk/s 65%-85% 10% 20-40
Stone Thrower 30x30
Rock Thrower 1 Common Ranged Split Shot 130-160 30-50 0 0.2-0.33 atk/s 35%-55% 10% 10
Saint Swithun Front 1
Saint Swithun 5 Legendary Special Sacrificial Shielding 160-180 20 0 0.5 atk/s 80%-90% 10% 10
Spearwoman 1
Spear Woman 2 Uncommon Special Reach 140-180 20-30 0 0.5 atk/s 60%-80% 10% 10
Maiden 30x30
Blade Maiden 1 Common Infantry ________ 100-160 15 0 0.83 atk/s 65%-85% 10%-30% 20
The Hag Front Walk 1
The Hag 4 Mythic Healer Crone’s Favor 160-240 20-40 0 0.5 atk/s 70%-80% 10% 10-30
Trebuchet 30x30
Trebuchet 2 Uncommon Ranged Ark Shot 100-150 80-100 0 0.2 atk/s 60%-70% 10% 10-30
William Wallace Front Walk 1
William Wallace 3 Rare Infantry Side Slam & Leadership 250-320 20 0 0.25 atk/s 60%-70% 10%-20% 30-40
Wulver Front Walk 2
Wulver 4 Mythic Special Wrap 160-220 20 0 1 atk/s 65%- 85% 10%-30% 10-30
